👋 Hello Product Hunt Community! We’re Excited To Show You What We’ve Been Working On!

If you’re a short term rental property owner or manager, we’d like to take this occasion to create a guidebook for your property for free, as well as let you try Welcome Compass free for a month of bookings. Fill out the form below to get started.

Not sure yet? Check out this video from our founder for more information on how we create unique guides for each of your guests, all while saving you time and effort.

Show Me How It All Works!

  • Product Image of digital house guide

    Digital House Guide

    You tell us what you want in your house guide, and we create it for you. No work on your end. You can even end us a PDF of your current house guide - it’s that simple!

  • Product image of welcome message

    Personalized Welcome Message

    Upon booking a res at one of your properties, the guest is presented with a link to complete a 30-second survey. This information is then paired with what your property data and a personalized welcome message is generated for each guest. Best of all, it’s all written in the voice of you, the host!

  • Product image of restaurant recommendations

    Local Recommendations

    We can either use recommendations from your current house guide, or find hidden gems in your area. We’ll then recommend based on what your guests indicated in their survey - each guest gets a unique set of recommendations!

Watch A Video From Our Founder