Exploring Google Vacation Rentals:

A Comprehensive Guide for Vacation Rental Owners

As someone deep in the short-term rentals and travel industry, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring various platforms that connect hosts and guests. One such platform that’s been gaining traction recently is Google Vacation Rentals. In this blog, I’ll take you through what Google Vacation Rentals is, how to list your property, the benefits and cons, a comparison with Airbnb, the ideal host for this platform, and whether it’s worth considering for your rental property.

Creating a direct booking website can significantly enhance your ability to generate direct bookings, saving on channel commissions and allowing you to engage directly with guests. This approach offers more flexibility and control over pricing and policies compared to traditional OTAs.

What is Google Vacation Rentals?

Google Vacation Rentals is a relatively new feature that allows users to search for vacation rental properties directly through Google’s search engine. When users search for terms like “vacation rentals in Miami” or “short-term rentals near me,” Google displays a list of available properties from various vacation rental platforms. Listing your property on Google Vacation Rentals can be done by working with approved partners like Hospitable, which helps gain exposure and direct bookings without third-party fees.

The power of Google’s search engine cannot be overstated. With millions of searches conducted daily, having your property listed on Google Vacation Rentals can significantly increase its visibility. The google vacation rentals functionality acts as a metasearch engine, allowing travelers to find and book vacation rental properties directly through Google Search, Google Maps, and the dedicated tab under the Google Travel category. Hosts can't create a listing directly on Google Vacation Rentals and must work with Google's approved partners like Hospitable, or list their rentals on OTAs partnering with Google to appear on the platform.

This feature aggregates listings from different platforms, providing users with a comprehensive view of available rentals. For instance, a traveler planning a trip to Paris can see listings from Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com all in one place, compare prices, and make an informed decision.

an image showing someone using google maps on their phone

How Does Someone List on Google Vacation Rental Listings?

Listing your property on Google Vacation Rentals is a straightforward process, though it does require you to work through one of Google’s approved partners. These partners include major vacation rental platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking.com, and others. By using an approved partner, you can create a Google vacation rental listing that will increase your property's visibility and reach potential guests. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your property listed:

Choose a Partner Platform: First, you need to list your property on a platform that Google partners with. If you’re already using a platform like Airbnb or Vrbo, you’re halfway there. For those new to vacation rentals, selecting a platform that aligns with your needs is crucial. Each platform has its own set of features and fee structures.

Optimize Your Listing: Ensure that your property listing is fully optimized with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and accurate availability. This will help your listing stand out in Google’s search results. Include photos of each room, outdoor spaces, and any unique features that make your property special. Detailed descriptions help potential guests visualize their stay.

Google vacation rental listings offer significant benefits, such as increased visibility, reaching potential guests, and receiving commission-free direct bookings.

Enable Distribution: On your chosen platform, enable distribution to Google Vacation Rentals. This is usually found in the settings or distribution options. It’s a good practice to regularly check your platform’s guidelines and ensure your listing complies with all requirements.

Verify Your Listing: Once you’ve enabled distribution, your listing should start appearing in Google’s search results. It’s a good idea to periodically check your listing to ensure it’s displayed correctly and make any necessary adjustments. Feedback from guests can be invaluable in making your listing more attractive.

an image of someone working on their google travel listing

What Are the Benefits of Google Vacation Rentals?

There are several benefits to listing your property on Google Vacation Rentals, and I’ve found that these advantages can significantly enhance a host’s reach and booking rates. Leveraging Google Vacation Rental listings is crucial for holiday rental managers, as it can impact travel habits and marketing strategies.

Increased Visibility: Google is the most popular search engine in the world, and millions of people use it daily to search for travel accommodations. By listing your property on Google Vacation Rentals, you can tap into this vast audience. For example, a family searching for a beach house in California might stumble upon your listing due to Google’s powerful search algorithms.

Seamless Integration: The integration with Google Maps and Search means that travelers can easily find your property based on their specific criteria, such as location, price range, and amenities. This integration is particularly beneficial for guests who are unfamiliar with the area and rely on maps to explore local attractions.

User Trust: People trust Google for reliable information. When your property appears in Google’s search results, it can enhance the perceived trustworthiness of your listing. This trust can translate into higher booking rates, as potential guests feel more confident in their choice.

Cost-Effective Marketing: Unlike some platforms that charge high fees for listings, Google Vacation Rentals leverages your existing listings on partner platforms, potentially saving you marketing costs. This can be especially advantageous for new hosts looking to maximize their exposure without a large advertising budget.

Are There Cons?

While Google Vacation Rentals offers numerous benefits, it’s important to consider some of the drawbacks as well.

Indirect Listing Process: Since you must list through a partner platform, you have less direct control over your listing compared to platforms where you list directly. This can sometimes lead to delays in updating your listing or resolving issues.

Competition: The sheer number of listings on Google Vacation Rentals means you’re competing with a large pool of properties, which can make it harder for your listing to stand out. It’s essential to keep your listing updated and responsive to market trends.

Dependence on Partners: Any issues or changes with the partner platforms can directly impact your listing on Google Vacation Rentals. This adds a layer of dependency that some hosts may find inconvenient. For instance, if a partner platform changes its fee structure or policies, it could affect your listing’s performance.

Google Vacation Rentals vs. Airbnb

an image showing boxers - as in the next section we examine google vacation rentals vs. Airbnb

A common question I hear is how Google Vacation Rentals stacks up against Airbnb. Both platforms offer unique advantages, but there are key differences to consider.

Listing Process:

  • Google Vacation Rentals: Requires a third-party platform for listing.

  • Airbnb: Direct listing with full control over your property details.

Audience Reach:

  • Google Vacation Rentals: Benefits from Google’s massive search engine user base.

  • Airbnb: Well-established in the vacation rental market with a loyal customer base.

Fees and Costs:

  • Google Vacation Rentals: Fees are dependent on the partner platform used.

  • Airbnb: Charges service fees to both hosts and guests, which can vary.


  • Google Vacation Rentals: Integrates with Google Maps for enhanced search functionality.

  • Airbnb: Offers extensive features like host protection insurance, experiences, and more.

Case Study

Let’s consider a couple of case studies to highlight the differences. A host in Miami listed their beachfront condo on both platforms. On Google Vacation Rentals, the condo received more visibility and inquiries, particularly from international travelers using Google for their search. The search results for vacation rentals on Google often include a vacation rental snippet with listings and a map, enhancing visibility. On Airbnb, the condo benefited from the platform’s established trust and robust review system, leading to higher conversion rates.

an image of a Miami beach condo

What Type of Host Should Consider Google Vacation Rentals?

Not every host will find Google Vacation Rentals to be the perfect fit. Here are some types of hosts who might benefit the most:

Vacation rental managers should diversify their marketing and channel strategy by connecting to a channel manager for listing on Google Vacation Rentals and creating a bookable website to generate direct bookings.

Multi-Platform Hosts: If you’re already listing on multiple platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com, integrating with Google Vacation Rentals can increase your exposure without additional effort. This is particularly beneficial for professional property managers handling several properties.

Tech-Savvy Hosts: Those comfortable with managing listings across various platforms and optimizing them for search engines will find Google Vacation Rentals advantageous. This involves staying updated with SEO best practices and leveraging Google’s tools.

Hosts Seeking Visibility: If you’re looking to boost your property’s visibility and tap into a broader audience, Google Vacation Rentals offers a unique opportunity. It’s especially useful for properties in high-competition markets where standing out is crucial.

Verdict: Worth It or Not?

After evaluating the various aspects of Google Vacation Rentals, I believe it’s a worthwhile consideration for most hosts. The increased visibility and seamless integration with Google’s search ecosystem are significant advantages. Google Vacation Rentals works by directing traffic to the property owner's website or a compatible OTA, and properties are listed through partner sites or Channel Managers. This visibility plays a critical role in shaping what travelers see and book. However, the indirect listing process and competition are notable challenges.

For hosts already established on partner platforms, enabling Google Vacation Rentals can be a cost-effective way to reach more potential guests. It’s particularly beneficial for those who want to maximize their property’s exposure without spending heavily on marketing.

Consider a host in a competitive market like New York City. By listing on Google Vacation Rentals, their property appeared in more search results, leading to a noticeable increase in bookings during peak seasons. Another host in a rural area found that Google’s integration with Maps helped attract guests looking for unique, off-the-beaten-path accommodations.

An image of two thumbs up : I think you should explore Google Vacation rentals.


In conclusion, Google Vacation Rentals presents an exciting opportunity for short-term rental hosts to expand their reach and connect with a larger audience. While there are some drawbacks, the benefits, particularly in terms of visibility and integration with Google’s ecosystem, make it a compelling option.

As with any platform, it’s essential to continuously optimize your listings and stay updated with any changes or improvements. By leveraging the strengths of Google Vacation Rentals, you can enhance your property’s appeal and attract more bookings. So, if you’re looking to take your short-term rental business to the next level, Google Vacation Rentals is certainly worth exploring.

Adding personal touches, like detailed descriptions of unique features and nearby attractions, can make a significant difference. Use Welcome Compass to automate this aspect of the experience. Sharing guest reviews and experiences on your listing can also build trust and attract more bookings. Remember, the goal is to provide potential guests with a clear and enticing picture of what they can expect, ensuring a memorable stay and positive reviews.

By embracing Google Vacation Rentals and continuously refining your approach, you can position your property for success in the ever-evolving world of short-term rentals.

I hope you enjoyed - As always, feel free to email me with your thoughts!

Andrew Lukas

Hey! I’m the head of product at Welcome Compass. I have deep experience in the hospitality and tech industries and love to write about them. Message me anytime!



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