Comprehensive Guide to Airbnb Reviews: Tips, Templates, and Best Practices

an image of a type-writer with word review typed on the page - please note guests only write reviews on


Airbnb reviews are the lifeblood of the platform, influencing decisions for both guests and hosts. As a host, your reviews shape your reputation, influence booking rates, and impact overall guest experiences. This guide delves into the nuances of giving and receiving reviews on Airbnb, providing you with strategies to handle both positive and negative feedback effectively.

How Airbnb Reviews Work

The rules and regulations of leaving Airbnb reviews for hosts and guests.

Airbnb's review system is designed to ensure transparency and trust within the community. It's the backbone of what drives trust on both the Guest and host side of things. Here’s a breakdown of how the review process works:

Review Period: Both hosts and guests have 14 days after checkout to leave a review. During this period, reviews remain hidden until both parties have submitted their feedback or the review window closes. This ensures that neither party are able to leave a retaliatory review.

Star Ratings: Hosts and guests rate each other on a five-star scale in various categories, such as communication, cleanliness, and adherence to house rules. These ratings contribute to an overall rating displayed on profiles and listings.

Written Reviews: Alongside star ratings, both parties can leave detailed written feedback. This feedback is crucial as it provides context to the star ratings and helps future users make informed decisions.

Mutual Blind System: The reviews are blind, meaning neither party can see the other’s review until both have submitted their reviews or the 14-day period ends. This encourages honest and unbiased feedback.

Public and Private Feedback: In addition to public reviews, Airbnb allows for private feedback that only the recipient can see. This is useful for providing constructive criticism or suggestions without impacting public perception.

Review Removal: Reviews can be removed if they violate Airbnb's content policies, which include hate speech, discrimination, and irrelevant content. Hosts can report such reviews to Airbnb for evaluation and potential removal.

Overview of Giving and Receiving Reviews

an image of 5 stars

The Importance of Reviews

Airbnb's review system is a two-way street where both guests and hosts can leave feedback. This system fosters transparency and trust within the community. Reviews provide essential insights into guest behavior and the host's quality of service. According to Airbnb data, properties with higher ratings tend to attract more bookings and generate more revenue​.

How to Leave a Review

To leave a review, navigate to the "Trips" section on Airbnb, select the relevant reservation, and click on the option to leave a review. You'll be prompted to rate various aspects of the guest's stay, such as communication, cleanliness, and adherence to house rules. Writing a fair and balanced review helps maintain the integrity of the platform​.

Why Give Guest Reviews?

Building Trust and Community

Leaving an honest review helps build trust within the Airbnb community. Honest feedback ensures that future hosts can make informed decisions about potential guests, and it encourages a culture of mutual respect and responsibility. Reviews also help guests by providing them with credibility, making it easier for them to secure future bookings.

Two hands shaking - building trust

Encouraging Reciprocal Reviews

When you leave a review for your guest, it triggers a notification prompting them to review you as well. This reciprocity can significantly increase the number of reviews you receive, enhancing your profile and making your listing more attractive to potential guests​.

Improving Guest Behavior

Knowing they will be reviewed, guests are more likely to follow house rules and treat your property with respect. This not only improves your hosting experience but also contributes to the overall quality of the Airbnb community​.

What to Remember if You Plan to Give Bad Guest Reviews

Be Honest and Constructive

If you need to leave a negative review, it's essential to be honest and factual. Avoid personal attacks and focus on specific behaviors or incidents. Constructive feedback can help the guest improve for future stays​.

an image showing the word honest

Use the Compliment Sandwich

A useful technique for delivering criticism is the compliment sandwich, where you start with a positive comment, address the issue, and end with another positive remark. This method helps soften the impact of negative feedback and maintains a balanced tone​.

Templates for Good and Bad Reviews

Good Review Templates

Using good review templates can save you time and ensure that you convey your message effectively. Here are some templates to help you get started:

  • "It was great having [Guest Name] stay at our property. They followed all the house rules, communicated well, and left the place in excellent condition. We would gladly host them again!"

    • This template is useful for guests who were overall exemplary. Highlighting adherence to house rules and good communication reinforces positive behavior for future guests.

  • "Hosting [Guest Name] was a delightful experience. They were respectful, tidy, and communicative. Highly recommended to any future host."

    • This review emphasizes the guest's respectfulness and cleanliness, which are critical qualities that future hosts look for​.

Bad Review Templates

Bad review templates should be used carefully to ensure that feedback is constructive and fair. You should avoid emotion and make sure to cite facts against your house poicy.

  • "While [Guest Name] was generally respectful, they hosted a party that disrupted the neighbors and violated our house rules. Despite this, they communicated well during their stay."

    • This review starts with a positive note, addresses the issue of the party, and ends with a positive remark about communication, adhering to the compliment sandwich method​

  • "[Guest Name] left the property in a less than ideal state and failed to communicate effectively. This caused some inconvenience, although they were polite during check-out."

    • This review is straightforward and factual, focusing on the issues of cleanliness and communication while also noting a positive aspect of the guest's behavior​.

Receiving Bad Reviews

An image of a woman reading a bad review

Stay Calm and Objective

Receiving a bad review can be disheartening, but it's crucial to stay calm and assess the feedback objectively. Look for any constructive criticism that can help you improve your hosting practices​.

Respond Professionally

When responding to a bad review, be professional and polite. Acknowledge the guest's concerns, explain any mitigating circumstances, and outline the steps you've taken to address the issue. This shows future guests that you are attentive and committed to providing a great experience​ (Smoobu)​.

Learn and Improve

Use negative feedback as an opportunity to improve. If the review points out legitimate issues, take steps to address them to prevent future occurrences. Continuous improvement is key to maintaining high standards and positive reviews.

Having Bad Reviews Removed

Recognizing Scams

Never pay to have a bad review removed; such offers are scams. Airbnb has strict policies against this practice, and legitimate removal requests should be handled through official channels​.

an image of dollar bills and the word scam

Airbnb's Review Policy

Airbnb will remove a review if it violates their content policy, which includes hate speech, discriminatory language, or irrelevant content. To report a review, contact Airbnb and provide evidence supporting your claim. Remember, not all negative reviews qualify for removal, so it's important to understand Airbnb's guidelines​.How to Prevent Bad Reviews

Clear Communication

Effective communication is key to preventing misunderstandings and bad reviews. Respond promptly to inquiries, provide detailed information about your property, and ensure guests know how to contact you during their stay​.

Accurate Listings

Ensure your listing accurately represents your property. Misleading information can lead to disappointment and negative reviews. Keep your photos and descriptions up to date and reflective of the actual experience​.

Clear House Rules

Set clear house rules and communicate them to your guests before their arrival. Use digital guidebooks from Welcome Compass to provide comprehensive information and set expectations​.

Prompt Issue Resolution

Address any issues quickly and effectively. Whether it's a malfunctioning appliance or a neighbor's noise complaint, prompt action can prevent minor issues from escalating into negative reviews​.

Studies actually show that when a guest has a minor challenge and it is resolved quickly to satisfaction or even above and beyond, that it can lead to even better reviews than if the guest had never had the challenge to begin with. So, don't get discouraged or think there is no recovering when a guest has a challenge!

Stock Essentials

Ensure your property is well-stocked with basic amenities like toiletries, kitchen supplies, and clean linens. This attention to detail enhances the guest experience and can prevent negative feedback related to missing essentials​.

Check out Airbnb host checklist on what you should include in your house. We cover everything from the essential items to amenities that will wow your guests!


Each Airbnb review plays a pivotal role in the success of your hosting business. By understanding the importance of guest reviews, learning how to handle both positive and negative feedback, and implementing strategies to prevent bad reviews, you can maintain a stellar reputation and attract more guests. Remember, the goal is to provide an exceptional experience that guests will rave about in their written review, helping you build a successful and rewarding hosting venture.

Sources and other material: (Eat, Sleep, Wander)​​ (Smoobu)​​ (Birdeye Experience Marketing platform)​ (Hostaway)(Hostfully)​. Check these sites out for more on reviews for guests.

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Andrew Lukas

Hey! I’m the head of product at Welcome Compass. I have deep experience in the hospitality and tech industries and love to write about them. Message me anytime!


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