Discover Welcome Compass's New Features: The Ultimate Digital Guidebook

Welcome Compass has always been at the forefront of revolutionizing the hospitality industry by providing intuitive solutions that enhance both host and guest experiences. In our latest update, we've rolled out a series of new features designed to make managing properties easier for hosts and navigating stays more delightful for guests. We aim to create a true digital concierge. From a completely new Host Dashboard to sharing capabilities and a smarter Q&A system, these updates are tailored to meet the needs of modern travelers and property managers. Let’s dive into these exciting enhancements.

Read through all the details below - but also check it out for yourself here with this demo! (Looks best on a mobile device since that’s how guests will use it!)

Host Dashboard

The heart of property management is efficiency and control, and our new Host Dashboard is designed to provide just that. Hosts can now log in to a centralized hub where all vital property information, from bookings to house manuals, is readily accessible. Optimized on both mobile and web, the dashboard ensures that you can manage your properties seamlessly, whether you’re at the desk or on the move.

Property Information at Your Fingertips

Our updated dashboard offers hosts a comprehensive view of their property’s details. This means less time searching for information and more time focusing on providing a top-notch guest experience.


New! Seamless Feedback Submission

Understanding the importance of continuous improvement, we’ve introduced a new feature within the dashboard that allows hosts to easily submit feedback. Whether it's bug reports or feature requests, sending us your insights has never been easier. This direct line to our development team ensures that your needs are heard and addressed swiftly, helping us evolve Welcome Compass in ways that truly benefit you.


A Fresh Coat of Paint on our digital guidebooks

Our commitment to enhancing user experience is reflected in the redesigned guest navigation system. Based on analytics and user feedback, we identified and addressed several pain points, making the interface more intuitive. The navigation buttons have been redesigned to be more prominent and user-friendly, ensuring guests can find their way around the app with ease. We’ve improved the search functionality within the house manual, making it faster and more prominent. This means less time searching and more time enjoying the stay for your guests.

An image showing Welcome Compass' virtual concierge restaurant recommendations

But don't worry, it still has all the important info right at the top like check in and check out time, wifi passwords and more.

An image showing all thee house info - putting it right at their fingertips improving your guest experience

Sharing Made Simple

Recognizing the social nature of travel, we’ve made it easier for guests to share their welcome guide with friends and family. This feature enhances the travel experience by simplifying how guests share important travel information, mirroring the ease of sharing content with a simple text message. And as always, there’s never an app to download - it’s all instantly available at the tap of a finger.

A Faster, Smarter Question & Answer Feature

Our Q&A feature has been completely rebuilt to be faster and smarter. Utilizing direct recommendations from hosts and learning from previous guest interactions, it dynamically evolves to meet the unique inquiries about your property. Thanks to the new algorithms, the Q&A feature now operates with double the speed and enhanced accuracy, reducing the time guests spend waiting for responses and improving their overall experience.

We've overhauled the user interface to simplify how guests discover and interact with it. This revamped UI underscores that responses are automated, reassuring guests that they aren't inconveniencing you—especially during late hours. Moreover, it's designed to manage expectations by indicating which inquiries might require next-day follow-up. The interface now features a chat-like layout, making it straightforward to use.

an image showing a conversation with our automated question and answer service. It shows a guest asking the virtual concierge system where the extra towels are and the digital concierge systems point them to where it is in the house

The Little Things

At Welcome Compass, we believe in using products we’d want to use ourselves. That’s why we focus on the details, such as playful animations and useful tips displayed as the app loads, every moment spent with Welcome Compass is intended to be enjoyable and informative.

This overview touches on the significant updates we’ve implemented. Each feature is designed not just to meet but exceed the expectations of our hosts and guests, ensuring that Welcome Compass remains your trusted partner in hospitality management. As we continue to refine and expand our offerings, we invite you to explore these new features and experience the enhanced efficiency and enjoyment they bring to your property management and travel adventures.

Our Vision

Our vision is unwavering: to develop a digital concierge system that embodies your personality and hospitality, ensuring your guests receive impeccable service without requiring any effort on your part. We remain dedicated to enhancing the host and guest experience, consistently rolling out updates and improvements to empower our hosts to impress and delight their guests.

Andrew Lukas

Hey! I’m the head of product at Welcome Compass. I have deep experience in the hospitality and tech industries and love to write about them. Message me anytime!


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